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Biotivity A/C Plus Membrane delivers more growth factors and superior handling compared to traditional two-layer amnion chorion barriers.1,2


The power of the Intermediate Layer

Biotivity A/C Plus Membrane maintains the natural triple-layer structure of human placental tissue, providing additional collagen and biological enhancers shown to facilitate healing, thickness and conformability.3-6 


Growth-factor charged performance

Contains growth factors and cytokines which may contribute to healing1,7,8

Acts as a scaffold for the migration and adhesion of cells9

Shown to be antibacterial and non-immunologic10-12


Superior processing

Gently processed without antibiotics, unlike some competitive products

Never delaminated and minimally manipulated to preserve natural mechanical properties, elasticity, and healing enhancers

Terminally sterilized, SAL 10-6 

Perfect for regenerative procedures

GTR and GBR procedures13-16

Socket and ridge preservation17,18

Perforations of the Schneiderian membrane19,20

Ridge augmentation15,21,22

Peri-implant infections23,24


 *Discount price applied at checkout, limited time offering


1. Data on file with manufacturer. 

2. Data on file with ZimVie. 

3. Hieber AD et al. Placenta (1997) 18:301-312. 

4. Malak TM et al. Placenta (1993) 14:385-406.

5. Roy A et al. J Tissue Eng Regen Med (2020) 14:1126-1135. 

6. Bryant-Greenwood GD. Placenta (1998) 19:1-11.

7. Koizumi N et al. Curr Eye Res (2000) 20:173-177.

8. Lee SB et al. Curr Eye Res (2000) 20:325-34.

9. Niknejad H et al. Eur Cell Mater (2008) 15:88-99. 

10. Palanker ND et al. Sci Rep (2019) 9:15600. 

11. Ashraf H et al. Int J Dent (2019) 2019:Article ID 1269534. 

12. Kubo M et al. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci (2001) 42:1539-1546. 

13. Kothiwale SV et al. Cell Tissue Bank (2009) 10:317-26.

14. George AK et al. Periodontics and Prosthodontics (2018) 04. 

15. Miller RJ et al. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent (2021) 41:657-662. 

16. Esteves J et al. J Periodontol (2015) 86:941-4. 

17. Holtzclaw D. Compend Contin Educ Dent (2014) 35:107-12.

18. Cullum D et al. Compend Contin Educ Dent (2019) 40:178-183.

19. Chang YY et al. J Periodontal Implant Sci (2019) 49:330-343. 

20. Holtzclaw D. J Periodontol (2015) 86:936-40.

21. Bhide VM et al. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent (2021) 41:375-381. 

22. Yu S-H et al. Clin Adv Periodontics (2022) 12:101-105.

23. Bhide VM et al. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent (2022) 42:e59-e66.

24. Maksoud MA. Int J Oral Dent Health (2020) 6:105.